
About ACCH

The ACCH team is a collection of professionals working in US national security, global communications, and international development.

The ACCH combines three key areas of experience and expertise:

  • On the ground in Afghanistan: working with USG, Afghan and international allies – in research, communications, development and capacity building, in civilian and military spheres.
  • Development Programs: working with both successful and unsuccessful projects in Afghanistan.
  • US Congress: working with Members and staff of both Chambers on foreign policy and national security issues for over a decade – working along non-partisan lines with key relationships on both sides of the aisle.


Lorelei Kelly directs the New Strategic Security Initiative. Her professional background includes teaching at Stanford University’s Center on Conflict and Negotiation and Senior Associate at the Henry L. Stimson Center, a D.C. think tank. In 1998, she founded and led “Security for a New Century,” a bipartisan study group that continues today–supporting cutting-edge knowledge on foreign policy and defense issues for Congressional Members and staff in both the House and Senate. More recently, she worked with women candidates– Democrats and Republicans- as the Real Security Initiative Director at the White House Project in NYC.  She is an expert on civil-military relations and completed the Air Command and Staff College program of the U.S. Air Force.