
A Different Mission

This hub, which was live and actively updated from January to June, 2010,  is dedicated to serving the information needs of Congress on US engagement in Afghanistan.

As an organization and as individuals, we are:


Unlike many think tanks and advocacy organizations, the ACCH has no political agenda or affiliation. Working across the political spectrum, we bridge all communities and organizations to promote an informed, inclusive and responsible debate on Afghanistan that will benefit all concerned.


The ACCH focuses solely on Afghanistan. Cutting through the information overload on Capitol Hill, we provide full-time research and information services to Members and their staff. We disseminate highly targeted info briefs and policy reviews for immediate, practical, use.


The ACCH is responsive, flexible, and constantly engaged with congressional staff, offering up-to-the-minute information support – even as circumstances shift rapidly, in Afghanistan and on Capitol Hill.


The ACCH complements the work of experts. We use of their research in our communications products and activities, and enjoy an ongoing consultation with them on key issues.