
What is this hub?

Note: The ACCH is an example of a specialized knowledge “hub” designed for the US Congress to provide a comprehensive overview of our challenge in Afghanistan. It does this by focussing on the civilian side of US engagement in the Afghanistan war–an issue that gets far less coverage than military engagement in the traditional venues of Capitol Hill.  This website is no longer active, but still provides one example of how to fill the gaps in the system to provide specialized or complex information to our Representatives, Senators and their staff.

Here below is the original text:

The Afghanistan Congressional Communications Hub (ACCH) is a non-partisan support service that aims to provide relevant and accessible information to Members of Congress and their staff.

The ACCH aims at neutrality, with the Congressional Budget Office setting a standard for our efforts. Our goal is to provide knowledge to aid Congress in analyzing, overseeing, and decision-making, about US involvement in Afghanistan.


Challenges for 2010 (pdf view)

The Peace Jirga June 2010 (pdf view)

Karzai DC Visit May 2010 Round-Up (pdf view)

DOD Briefing (McChrystal / Sedwill)  March 2010 (pdf view)

Reconciliation and Reintegration (pdf view)


The State of the Afghan People (pdf view)

Parliament / National Assembly (pdf view)

The Afghan National Army (pdf view)

The Afghan National Police (pdf view)

Tribes in Afghanistan (pdf view)

Refugees and IDPs (pdf view)

Women in Afghanistan (pdf view)

The Opium & Poppy Problem (pdf view)

The Role of Private Sector (pdf view)

Education in Afghanistan (pdf view)

Corruption in Afghanistan (pdf view)

Agriculture in Afghanistan (pdf view)

Health in Afghanistan (pdf view)

Justice and the Legal System (pdf view)


The Natural Environment (pdf view)

Afghanistan’s Borders (pdf view)

Natural Resources (pdf view)

Telecommunications in Afghanistan (pdf view)

Modes of Transport (pdf view)

Roads in Afghanistan (pdf view)


Major International Actors in Afghanistan (pdf view)

Provincial Reconstruction Teams (pdf view)

International Trade (pdf view)

Development Issues (pdf view)

Development- Challenges to Implementation (pdf view)

Counternarcotics in Afghanistan (pdf view)



Province Profile – Balkh (pdf view)

Province Profile – Helmand (pdf view)

Province Profile Herat (pdf view)

Province Profile – Kabul (pdf view)

Province Profile – Kandahar (pdf view)

Province Profile – Khost (pdf view)

Province Profile – Panjshir (pdf view)

Province Profile – Parwan (and Bagram) (pdf view)